If you like my website, or if you found a mistake, leave me a comment or two for me and others to see. Or you can ask a question about me and if I can, I wll answer it and put my answer under lil' bout me. You can read others comments and others can read your comment. If you can, tell a friend about my website because not many people know about it. A few days before your birthay, leave me a comment and I will put it on my website so who ever goes to my website will know it is your birthday.


    If you do not know how to send a comment, then I suggest you read this.

    On top of this page, there is a something that says a number then comments. If you click on that, it will bring you to another page that looks simaliar to where you were at last. On the bottom of that page, you will see a box. That is where you make your comment. Above it are three more boxes, one says name (it doesn't have to be your name or even a real name), the other one says e-mail adress (I will not be able to see it, so if you want me to see it, then put it in your comment), and the last on says website (if you do not have a website, then don't fill it out and once again, I will not be able to see it unless you put it in your comment). After you are done with your comment, then click sibmit. 

Myspace Cursors @ JellyMuffin.comMyspace Layouts & cursors


    Veronica is happy that you chose her website. She lives in Maryland. She loves art and she is good at drawing landscapes. She is also good with a camera. Her favorite colors are baby blue, hot pink, and light purple.


    February 2009



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